LNAT Test Preparation Tutoring

UK Test Prep


A diagnostic test will be issued so that the designated tutor will be able to identify the student’s strengths/weaknesses and plan accordingly. Lessons will largely be compartmentalized, focusing on specific concepts and developing category-specific strategies that can be consistently applied across different exams.

Private 1 on 1 Tutoring

  • $900 per hour
  • $800 per hour (6 hours package)

Group Course (2-3 people)

  • $800 - 730 per hour. 28-hour programme. 2 hours per class. Contingent upon capacity being met.

Flexable scheduling (online & live)

What is LNAT?

The LNAT can easily be considered the UK equivalent of the LSAT and is required by a number of law schools in the UK for entry into their undergraduate law programmes. It is comprised of two Sections: i) a Multiple-Choice Section (1 hour and 35 minutes, 42 questions) and ii) an Essay Section (40 minutes, 1 of 3 writing prompts). The Multiple-Choice Section is most definitely the more important of the two—some programmes have even deemed the Essay Section optional—and very much resembles the Reading Comprehension section of the LSAT (though it is a lot more generous than the LSAT).

The LNAT is not necessarily in and of itself a determining factor in the law school admissions process – it is simply another facet that admission officers consider when determining whom to give offers. That being said, a good LNAT score is always an asset and can sometimes even compensate for slightly lacking predicted grades.

A good LNAT score in conjunction with strong academic credentials will almost always guarantee offers (provided that the personal statement is somewhat readable).

How should I tackle LNAT?

Often the potential answers you are given are hard to distinguish between. The purpose of the LNAT Section A is to test the skills that are important in the legal profession such as drawing out ambiguities in material. Therefore everything you are asked is designed to test these skills.

If you do find similar answers difficult to tell apart, then adopting a method of elimination is helpful. So if the right answer is far from clear, you should carefully read the possible answers and use the information in the passage to eliminate the wrong answers, until you come to the answer you deem to be the most correct given the information you have. Pay attention to implications but never imply, as of all standardized tests.

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